



About specialty

Performing activities in the field of choreographic art are aimed at developing prospects: creation, promotion and performance of choreographic compositions, organizational and pedagogical activities in primary art education and professional activities of the head of amateur choreographic team in cultural and artistic institutions. Mastering the specialty makes it possible to solve typical specialized problems in a particular field of professional activity or in the learning process.

 Program professional competencies: 

  • Use knowledge of:
1) the diversity of choreographic art, understanding the importance of its impact on the development of the individual and society;
2) general history of arts, stages of formation and development of choreographic art, the influence of modern trends and its place in the system of human development.
  • Use of basic knowledge of the basics of choreographic technique; practical application of dance techniques in classical, duet-classical, folk-stage dance, Art Nouveau dance, historical and everyday dance, Contemporary dance and other types of choreographic art in professional activities.
  • Ability to use basic knowledge of the laws of general and individual approach to creating an artistic dance image (work).
  • Using theoretical knowledge and practical skills of sound and dance design to perform a range of work in the field of professional activity.
The specialty studies a whole set of knowledge necessary for the performance of a ballet dancer, pedagogical skills, as a teacher of choreographic disciplines, the leader of an amateur choreographic team. Training of specialists with creative thinking, leadership qualities, ready to solve professional tasks in the field of choreographic art is provided.

 The qualification obtained in the specialty provides an opportunity to work: 
  • Teacher of choreographic disciplines
  • Leader of an amateur children's group
  • Ballet / Ensemble artist
Graduates can continue their studies at the first (bachelor's) level of higher education.